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Investment funds 26-week incubator for women-owned startups, 扩大对风险投资差距的研究,并帮助推出新的风险基金,投资由少数族裔女性创办的初创企业

澳博官方网站app今天宣布投资100万美元,帮助黑人和西班牙裔女性领导的创业公司蓬勃发展. This innovative, 数据驱动型投资是该公司1.5亿美元资金的一部分,旨在培养和培养服务不足的企业家 Small Business Forward initiative to provide flexible financing and other support to underserved women, 少数族裔和退伍军人拥有的小企业,并将公司从小企业投资中学到的经验应用到其他社区.


Women of color are the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurs in the U.S., with more than 1.5 million businesses (a 322 percent increase since 1997), yet they receive less than one percent of all venture investment. They are also far less likely to have the wealth, financial safety net, 或者其他企业家依靠朋友和家庭网络来启动和发展他们的业务. [#ProjectDiane]

“有色人种女性没有平等的机会获得她们在商业上取得成功所需的资源,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase. “我希望我们的投资能够继续为黑人和西班牙裔女性企业家打开成长的大门,并展示她们的科技创业公司,从而一劳永逸地取得成功.”

一半的投资,即50万美元,将用于支持DIDTechnology Inc .的两个项目. (“digitalundivided”), 这是一家成立于2013年的社会企业,旨在支持黑人和西班牙裔女性从事以创新为重点的创业;

  • Incubating 根据精益创业方法,在为期26周的队列研究中,另外还有40家由有色人种女性创立的创业公司. As part of the incubation program, digitalundivided will provide mentorship, business planning, marketing and communications strategy, and will teach these startups how to test, iterate and scale their businesses to be successful.
  • Identifying gaps in venture capital by financing the second version of #ProjectDiane, digitalundivided关于美国黑人女性在科技创业中的状况的专有研究. The new report, to be released later in 2018, will expand the research to include Latina startup founders.

The Case Foundation, 长期致力于促进包容性创业运动,支持女性企业家和有色人种创始人, supports digitalundivided as well as other incubators and leaders in the field.

这些数据凸显了女性企业家和有色人种创始人在获得资本方面面临的障碍, mentoring and networking they need to have a chance to succeed is clear” 凯斯基金会首席执行官兼国家地理学会主席吉恩·凯斯说. “这就是为什么像澳博官方网站app这样的冠军企业加入我们投资和支持digitalundivided这样的努力,以及确保任何地方的任何人都能实现美国梦的生态系统的发展是如此重要. It is good for the investors, the entrepreneurs and for the American economy.”

“我们的使命是创造一个更具包容性的经济,让所有背景的企业家都有公平的机会建立和扩大他们的公司,” said Janis Bowdler, Head of Global Philanthropy, JPMorgan Chase. “我们很自豪地支持digitalundivided和iNTENT Manifesto,他们的目标是将有色人种女性提升为科技企业的领导者和所有者. 由于他们的努力,我们正开始改变科技行业的创业面貌 .”

The other half of the investment, $500,000, will be used to launch the iNTENT Manifesto, an educational and investment platform based on good design, 意图和投资,为有色人种女性科技创业公司带来可观的资金. Hosted at New Venture Fund, iNTENT Manifesto will educate, engage and invest with diverse groups nationally, particularly in communities of color. 通过教育活动、一系列会议和能力建设研讨会,提高有色人种女性创始人的知名度, 该项目旨在创造一个自我维持的解决方案,赋予有色人种女性企业家和她们所生活的社区权力. The campaign begins with learning more about women entrepreneurs, investing, and supporting startups by signing the Manifesto located on the website www.intentmanifesto.com. iNTENT Manifesto is designed for, and led by women of color to provide education and flexible investment options that include equity investments and venture debt to promising founders; direct investments will be made later this year into a number of innovative startups.

"Women are walking alpha. The smartest investment the world can make is in women of color entrepreneurs. 加上好的设计、意图和投资,我们可以创造一个我们都引以为傲的世界。 Gayle Jennings-O'Byrne, Founder and CEO of iNTENT Manifesto.

A Commitment to Diverse Entrepreneurship
这笔100万美元的新投资应用了该公司在帮助美国10多个国家的少数族裔企业家方面所做的更广泛努力.S. cities, including Detroit, New York, Washington, D.C., Detroit, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Chicago and New York. These efforts are helping to increase their access to capital, 利用私营部门的额外投资,并提供关键的技术援助,以支持其业务增长. For example, in December 2017, 今年2月,澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)帮助底特律有色人种企业家基金(Entrepreneurs of Color Fund)的规模扩大了近两倍,达到1800万美元, expanded the model to create Entrepreneur of Color Funds in San Francisco and South Bronx as well.

Additionally, the firm has programs throughout the world to bolster women-owned small businesses, including Female Founders, which is part of our broader commitment to support small businesses, 振兴社区,使英国和欧洲的地方经济更加多样化和包容性. Alongside technical support provided by entrepreneurial support organizations, female entrepreneurs are paired with a mentor from JPMorgan Chase for four months. The program was launched in London in 2017, 今年将业务扩展到巴黎,迄今为止已经支持了超过25名试图发展小企业的女性.

Internally, JPMorgan Chase launched Women on the Move 在2013年确定并解决女性在工作场所面临的独特挑战, as well as sharing ideas on how best to support career development. Since it began, 该项目已经在23个城市举办,公司的高级女性员工已经见过超过6位,000 employees.

For more information, visit wi0p.weightloss-advice.com/smallbusinessforward and follow #SmallBizForward on Twitter.


About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services Firm with assets of $3.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands.


About digitalundivided
digitalundivided (DID), a social enterprise founded in 2013, 通过鼓励有色人种女性通过创业获得经济保障,采取了一种创新的经济赋权方式. Based in Atlanta, 有色人种女性进入以创新为中心的企业的主要渠道是什么, helping founders raise over $25 million in outside funding.


About iNTENT Manifesto
意图宣言是一个投资教育平台,基于一种新的方法来投资一个创新的未来和改变市场现实的女性有色人种创业设计. Intent. Invest. With good design, intent and investments, iNTENT Manifesto transforms how people can support, invest, and celebrate women of color technology entrepreneurs. iNTENT Manifesto is a social enterprise located in New York City, with programming and partners across the country. Learn more about women entrepreneurs, investing, and supporting startups by signing the iNTENT Manifesto at www.intentmanifesto.com.


Small Business