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Press Announcement

Chicago Receives $7.2 Million from 澳博官方网站app’s 推进城市挑战改善黑人和拉丁裔社区获得经济适用房的机会 

七个组织旨在通过模块化住房解决投资不足和2019冠状病毒病对芝加哥南部和西部居民的不成比例的影响, financial products and community leadership development trainings

CHICAGO, December 3, 2020澳博官方网站app今天宣布,芝加哥成为全球7个获奖城市之一 推进城市的挑战, part of the firm’s $500 million, 推动包容性增长和在城市创造更多经济机会的五年计划. A collaborative of seven organizations will receive a $7.200万慈善投资,通过创新的新型模块化房屋建设促进长期住房所有权, and financial products and coaching in South and West side neighborhoods, including Back of the Yards, 北Lawndale, 和芝加哥草坪.

这一承诺将为家庭和个人提供超过150套经济适用房,这些家庭和个人的收入在该地区收入中位数的60-120%之间. It builds on 澳博官方网站app’s recent $30 billion commitment to advance racial equity and aligns with Chicago’s INVEST South/West plan, 哪一个计划在未来三年投入7.5亿美元的公共资金,以吸引私人资本.

的 effort will be led by 的 Resurrection Project, in collaboration with Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Peace and Education Coalition of the Back of the Yards Neighborhood, Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation, Capital Good Fund, Lawndale Christian Development Corporation, and Southwest Organizing Project. 在一起, these organizations aim to help strengthen recovery efforts in Chicago, and address the needs of Black and Latino communities, 这些国家受到新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行和数十年投资不足的严重影响.

With the support from 澳博官方网站app, the collaborative will increase the supply of quality, affordable housing through a modular construction model, 这也将为当地居民增加新的建筑工作岗位,并开始缩小评估差距. 另外, 该合作将解决现有房主和首次购房者的需求,帮助缩小黑人和拉丁裔居民在住房所有权方面的种族差距. 这包括:

  • 为首次购房者和长期购房者提供住房所有权和消费贷款产品, like second mortgage loans and rehab loans;
  • creating new financial education and counseling programs that help improve residents’ credit worthiness through low-cost consumer loans and financial coaching; and
  • 为居民提供培训,让他们了解如何利用集体的声音参与社区活动.

“As a leader in building healthier communities, 玛丽莎·诺瓦拉说:“获得这个奖项是复活计划(TRP)的伟大成就。, Department of Housing Commissioner. “的 investment by 澳博官方网站app in 推进芝加哥的城市是城市在社区发展方面的领导地位的有力证明. This City stands ready to work with TRP, its partners and 追逐 to rebuild communities through homeownership.”

Over the course of the three-year commitment, 该合作项目将创建和保护150多个经济适用房单元, 参与近3次,000 participants in homebuyer preparation, in which 240 will become ready buyers, 提供超过$2.8 million in affordable mortgage and home improvement loans, and create and preserve $50 million in community wealth for residents.

结构性障碍剥夺了黑人和棕色人种社区的财富和机会,” says Raul Raymundo, CEO and Co-Founder of 的 Resurrection Project. “Homeownership is a pathway for families to close the racial wealth gap. TRP and our coalition members are honored to receive the 推进城市奖,并与澳博官方网站app和城市合作,在这项关键的工作中.”

“获得安全、优质的经济适用房对繁荣的社区至关重要,但对太多芝加哥人来说却遥不可及,” said Charlie Corrigan, Head of Midwest Philanthropy, 澳博官方网站app. “这是澳博官方网站app在芝加哥单一项目中做出的最大的慈善承诺, 这将有助于我们实现促进经济流动性的目标,并帮助解决该市的种族贫富差距问题.”

关于 推进城市

推进城市 is a $500 million initiative that combines the firm’s lending capital, philanthropic capital and expertise to invest in cities. 的 program consists of two key features, the 推进城市挑战和大规模投资在明尼阿波利斯等具备成功条件的城市, 波士顿, 费城, 波特兰, 巴吞鲁日, New Orleans and Chicago. 

推进“城市挑战”支持协作和整体解决方案,以解决紧迫需求和系统性挑战,帮助创造更多获得资金和机会的途径. 今年, 比赛吸引了来自35个州和地区的78个社区的150多个提案. P建议必须关注澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)的影响模型(Model for 影响)中包容性增长的战略驱动因素:就业和技能, 小型企业, neighborhood development and financial health, and build on the firm’s 7个特点 推进城市.

2020年 推进城市挑战赛借鉴了6年来举办PRO社区竞赛的经验教训 推进城市的挑战, continuing to emphasize the importance of collaboration, strong leadership, 以及大胆和创新的方法,以帮助确保不同社区更广泛地共享获得资本和机会的途径. 今年的综合挑战来源于三个关键因素的解决方案:

  • 通过深入的社区参与和对目标和优先事项的共同理解来塑造对未来的强大愿景,以确保合作伙伴之间的一致性;
  • Strong leadership and collaboration among a diverse set of actors with unique authority and resources to drive sustainable change; and
  • 以数据为导向、以证据为基础的创新方法,超越“一切照旧”,改变目前落后的社区的发展轨迹.

获胜的 推进“城市挑战”项目将获得澳博官方网站app广泛的资源, including data and research, employee expertise, and global network. To learn more about 推进城市参观 wi0p.weightloss-advice.com/advancingcities.

A Commitment to Chicago

This new commitment builds on 澳博官方网站app’s $40 million, 对芝加哥南部和西部的三年慈善承诺,以及额外的1000万美元灵活资本承诺,以支持小企业和商业走廊的可持续发展和保护.

澳博官方网站app also expects to originate an additional 3,在未来五年内,为黑人和拉丁裔家庭提供5000美元的住房购买贷款,作为其推进可负担住房的努力的一部分, sustainable homeownership. To do this, the firm has committed an additional $600 million in mortgages.

关于 澳博官方网站app & Co.

澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $3.2 trillion and operations worldwide. 的 Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and 小型企业es, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 澳博官方网站app & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about 澳博官方网站app & Co. is available at wi0p.weightloss-advice.com





