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Fifth Third Bank, Accion Chicago, LISC, 西北大学和芝加哥大学加入澳博官方网站app投资6美元.5 Million for Minority-Owned Small Businesses


Fund Builds on Successes and Insights From the Original Detroit Fund, South Bronx and San Francisco Funds


Building on the success of the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund in Detroit, 澳博官方网站app今天宣布扩大该基金的模式,以支持芝加哥南部和西部的少数族裔企业家. 这项投资包括来自澳博官方网站app的400万美元,为少数族裔企业家提供关键的融资渠道, education and other resources. Fifth Third Bank will invest $2.5 million in the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund, pending regulatory approval, bringing total funding to $6.500万美元支持芝加哥社区的少数族裔企业家.


作为澳博官方网站app投资4000万美元在芝加哥南部和西部创造经济机会的一部分, 该公司将投资400万美元用于两项主要计划,目的是帮助当地少数族裔拥有的小企业分享芝加哥的增长.

  • Entrepreneurs of Color Fund澳博官方网站app将投资300万美元,与社区合作伙伴Accion Chicago和Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)共同推出“有色人种企业家基金”。.
  • Ascend 2020澳博官方网站app将投资100万美元,继续在芝加哥大学和西北大学开展商业指导项目, part of Ascend 2020, a national network university-led programs for minority entrepreneurs.

Small businesses are key drivers of growth, and that growth is fastest among minority and women entrepreneurs, yet only 18 percent of Chicago businesses are owned by people of color, including 6 percent of Hispanics and 2 percent of African Americans, according to the US Census.

“South and West Side neighborhoods hold tremendous economic opportunity, 但我们可以做得更多,以确保每个人都有机会参与芝加哥的持续发展,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO JPMorgan Chase. “有色人种企业家基金释放了资本,在底特律创造了数百个就业机会, 现在我们很高兴芝加哥的小企业将有同样的机会成长和成功.”

“支持和授权芝加哥南部和西部的企业家和小企业创造就业机会,并为几代人加强社区,” said Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “这项投资补充了我们与社区机会基金和零售繁荣区的合作, 我们感谢澳博官方网站app和五三银行提供的资源, 能源和专业知识来推动芝加哥所有社区的经济增长.”

“As Fifth Third Bank’s Community Commitment demonstrates, 建立和维护强大的社区是我们工作的核心,” said Greg Carmichael, Fifth Third’s chairman, president and CEO. “After our earlier Entrepreneurs of Color Fund commitment in Detroit, we are pleased to contribute $2.向芝加哥有色人种企业家基金提供500万美元,帮助少数族裔小企业蓬勃发展.”

A 2016 study 竞争力内城研究所的数据显示,芝加哥社区的小企业提供了近70%的就业机会. 同一份报告还发现,每个现有小企业增加一个工作岗位就可以创造足够的就业机会,以消除这些社区的失业问题.

Applying Insights from Detroit

In 2015, JPMorgan Chase, along with W.K. 凯洛格基金会和底特律发展基金,在底特律创建了有色人种企业家基金. In December 2017, 该基金的规模扩大了两倍,达到1,800万美元,为少数族裔拥有的小企业提供资金和技术援助,这是该公司为底特律经济复苏投资1.5亿美元的一部分. Fifth Third Bank也是底特律有色企业家基金(Entrepreneurs of Color Fund)的投资者.

Since its launch, the Detroit fund has lent or approved $5.为52家少数族裔小企业提供了3200万美元,创造了740多个新的或保留的就业机会. 53%的贷款用于支持少数族裔女性拥有的企业,近四分之三(71%)的贷款用于支持底特律社区的小企业.

今年早些时候,旧金山和南布朗克斯也成立了类似的基金. 社区合作伙伴之间的合作以及对获得资金的强烈需求促使澳博官方网站app在全国范围内复制底特律基金, bringing its model for impact to these communities.

Chicago Entrepreneurs of Color Fund

According to data from the JPMorgan Chase Institute, 小企业有限的现金流动可能会限制芝加哥南部和西部一些社区的经济活力. For example, businesses in the Englewood neighborhood have the smallest cash reserves, allowing for 5 or fewer cash buffer days, while businesses in Buena Park, on the North Side, have more than three times those cash reserves, 如果他们面临意外的现金短缺,至少有17天的缓冲时间.

Further, 芝加哥南部和西部社区的居民必须走更远的路才能获得日常用品和服务. 在南区的南岸和普尔曼社区,居民们四处旅行.9 and 4.6 miles, respectively, from home for the typical purchase, while residents in the North Side’s West Ridge and North Park traveled 1.9 and 1.6 miles.

The Chicago Entrepreneurs of Color Fund aims to provide $5.500万美元的灵活资本,以满足数百家少数族裔企业的需求, 并鼓励通过商业和小企业发展振兴这些和其他服务不足的社区. 这一努力将有助于创造就业机会,增加当地企业的收入. 这项慈善投资将有助于创造就业机会,增加当地企业的收入.

Through this initiative, Accion Chicago and LISC commit to assisting 1,000 entrepreneurs of color in need with a mix of capital, free technical assistance and coaching services. Accion Chicago和LISC专注于南部和西部的15个社区, which are marked by segregation, 高水平的代际贫困和历史上低水平的小企业创建. Once the entrepreneurs are ready to apply for financing, Accion Chicago将利用澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)和五三银行(Fifth Third Bank)的投资,部署至多100美元的贷款资本,000, while LISC will provide loans between $100,000 and $500,000.

符合条件的企业家可以是创业阶段的企业家,也可以是现有的企业家, 传统企业——允许更多的企业留在当地并投资于他们的社区. 这些企业家通常无法获得传统贷款的资格, often due to previous credit challenges, limited financial collateral, short business history or informal businesses practices.

“Accion Chicago provides capital, coaching, and connections to help neighborhood entrepreneurs grow,” said Brad McConnell, CEO of Accion Chicago. “We’re excited to partner with JPMorgan Chase, LISC, 第五,第三,因为投资小企业主是在最需要他们的社区创造就业和财富的最有效方式. The small businesses we serve create or maintain 3.5 jobs on average with our help, 96%的客户在我们提供贷款两年后仍继续经营(相比之下,所有小企业中只有65%)。.”

“这是一个巨大的机会,可以扩大我们对企业家的投资,这些企业家反映了芝加哥社区丰富而充满活力的文化,” said Maurice A. Jones, LISC president and CEO. “LISC的经历打消了人们的担忧,即一些社区对新企业来说风险太大, 97%的lisc资助的企业家在创造就业机会和扩大当地收入的同时蓬勃发展. 这项工作是关于催化机会,让每个人,无论他们的种族, or zip code, 或者家庭背景——都有机会为芝加哥的繁荣做出贡献, and to share in its benefits as well.”

Ascend 2020

In addition to the $5.5 million allocated for Accion Chicago and LISC, 该声明还包括澳博官方网站app对Ascend 2020项目的额外100万美元投资. 扩大的资金将使芝加哥大学和西北大学能够帮助另外70家小企业.

Through Ascend 2020, 全国一流的大学为少数族裔企业家提供指导, 供应商网络和社区合作伙伴改善获得3m的途径:管理实力(通过商业教育), markets (business-to-business and consumers), and money (seed capital, flexible credit and equity investment).

“为企业家提供教育和准备是芝加哥大学在芝加哥及其他地区产生积极影响的重要组成部分, 要有效地做到这一点,就需要寻找各种背景的人,他们可以将自己的才能用于创业和经济发展,” said Robert J. Zimmer, president of the University of Chicago. “We are grateful to JPMorgan Chase for its support of this partnership, 这将加强我们现有的承诺,支持多样性和本地经济增长, contributing to economic activity that benefits our communities.”

“这种合作关系将西北大学和凯洛格商学院与南部和西部的各种商业和非营利社区联系起来, and it will help businesses scale and retain and create jobs,” said Northwestern President Morton Schapiro. “我们把与芝加哥及其多元化社区的联系视为我们作为一所伟大大学和好邻居的使命的一部分. We are excited to be a part of this effort, 因为它将刺激这些社区的创新经济发展,并扩大我们的学生关于如何解决低收入和中等收入社区问题的知识.”

芝加哥大学的Ascend 2020项目支持年收入低于100万美元的企业家, 而西北大学的项目则支持年收入超过100万美元的少数族裔企业.

自2017年6月以来,西北大学和芝加哥大学都参加了Ascend 2020, and have served a combined 43 entrepreneurs to date through the program.


About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands.


About Fifth Third
Fifth Third Bancorp是一家多元化的金融服务公司,总部位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提. As of March 31, 2018, the Company had $142 billion in assets and operated 1,153 full-service Banking Centers and 2,459 ATMs with Fifth Third branding in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina. Fifth Third operates four main businesses: Commercial Banking, Branch Banking, Consumer Lending and Wealth & Asset Management. Investor information and press releases can be viewed at www.53.com. Fifth Third的普通股在纳斯达克®全球精选市场交易,代码为“FITB”.” Deposit and Credit products are offered by Fifth Third Bank. Member FDIC.


About Accion
Accion helps neighborhood entrepreneurs grow. We provide the capital, coaching, 小企业主需要在伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州创造财富和就业机会. By partnering with entrepreneurs, Accion为服务不足的社区提供了最具成本效益的投资方式. 在小企业蓬勃发展、就业机会增加、社区投资增加的地方.

About LISC
With residents and partners, LISC在美国各地打造了充满活力和包容性的机会社区——一个适合居住的好地方, work, visit, do business and raise families. Since 1979, LISC has invested $18.6 billion to build or rehab 376,3000套经济适用房和公寓,并开发6300万平方英尺的零售面积, community and educational space. To learn more, visit www.lisc.org.

About Northwestern University
Founded in 1851, 西北大学是美国领先的私立研究型和教学型大学之一,在校学生约8人,000 full-time undergraduate students and approximately 8,000 full-time graduate and professional students and approximately 2,000 part-time students on campuses in Evanston and Chicago, Illinois, and Doha, Qatar. 西北大学在超越传统学术界限的高度协作环境中结合了创新教学和开创性研究. 西北大学为学生和教师提供了智力发展的绝佳机会, 在芝加哥丰富的环境中实现个人和职业的成长.

About the Polsky Center
芝加哥大学波尔斯基创业与创新中心在实验室中带来了思想的力量, classroom and community to the world. Through education, resources, and programs, the Polsky Center commercializes discoveries, partners with companies, and attracts venture capital. 波尔斯基中心运营着芝加哥大学排名第一的商业加速器——爱德华. Kaplan, ’71, New Venture Challenge, 是什么帮助全球200多家公司成立,这些公司的市值超过90亿美元,融资超过6亿美元. The mission of the Polsky Center is to support students, faculty, alumni, and community members by bridging the gap between knowledge and practice, idea and action, and research and impact. 通过点燃创新精神和促进整个大学的连接, city, region and world, 波尔斯基中心让更多的想法对社会产生有意义的影响. Learn more at polsky.uchicago.edu.


Small Business